Massive Education Resources
Our comprehensive Education Resources are available as an annual subscription purchase. Each resource includes access to a filmed version of the production, a trailer of the show, a copy of the script, and a detailed written study guide that speaks to NCEA assessment needs.
Babble, The Island, The Wholehearted, The Brave, What We’re Made Of, Half of the Sky, Heart Go… BOOM! and I LOVE YOU G:
$75 + GST per production, or any of these three for $200 + GST
Te Whare Kapua and Sightings
$100 + GST each
These two productions are slightly higher in cost because licensing must be obtained from Playmarket - this allows the playwrights to receive royalties for the use of their work).
If you purchase a subscription, access via password will be valid until the end of the school year.
Click here to download our free Education Brochure. For any questions or orders, please email us at