Guides and Resources
PAYPA is committed to the growth of the sector and sharing knowledge throughout the TYA sector. As part of this kaupapa, PAYPA has created two new key resources for practitioners working in the TYA sector in Aotearoa. These downloadable resources aim to inform, provide a framework and support those making work for tamariki.
The following resources were commissioned with funding and support of the PAYPA board, Performing Arts Foundation and Creative New Zealand.
Written by Kerryn Palmer
Edited and designed by Jenny Wake and the PAYPA Board
This resource provides background information on the field of performing arts and young people in Aotearoa, to explore the relevance and benefits of performing arts for/by/with children and young people. With insights from TYA practitioners across Aotearoa, the guide looks at how we define ‘quality’ within this sector.
Written by Lynne Cardy
Edited and designed by Jenny Wake and the PAYPA Board
This resource is a document that outlines all the things to consider when touring productions for young people in Aotearoa. With real-life examples from touring companies currently operating, this guide offers a comprehensive description of the process.
These resources have been collated by practitioners within the sector and are practical templates that complement the touring guide.