Contact: PO BOX 96002, Balmoral, Auckland 1342
ATC Creative Learning supports theatre education and training with a focus on curriculum development, literacy and the arts. Activities for secondary schools include the Ambassador programme, school matinees, student and teachers’ workshops and career pathways. For Primary schools the Mythmakers touring programme provides accessible inventive live theatre in schools and communities supported by workshops, activity packs and teacher training. The Company’s vibrant youth arts programme supports active participation in theatre-making processes for young people aged 15 – 25 years and includes the annual ATC Summer School, Young Writers’ Table and Here & Now Festival.
Established in 1992, Auckland Theatre Company is Auckland’s premier professional theatre company and one of the leading theatre companies in New Zealand. The Company presents a main-bill season of six to seven plays to over 80,000 people from throughout Auckland and the Upper North Island each year. Auckland Theatre Company is one of Creative New Zealand’s Arts Leadership organisations. It is also one of ten regional amenities considered an essential contributor to the wellbeing of residents in the Auckland region and necessary to make the region a vibrant and attractive place to live in.